tbc pvp spec rogue

move away from them. tri spec might be your best bet, it's a touch behind combat swords but it's the 2nd best pve damage spec (esp. For gem sockets, assume that you will always gem a red or yellow socket with the proper color, but that you will simply use your best DPS gem in a blue socket (following the instructions in Gem selection below). The following BoP epic gems are available from various sources, and may be used in any socket where a rare gem of the same color would normally be placed. Wondering if there's a spec that works that good for both PvP and PvE? 2.4 saw the only nerf to rogues from TBC and it was because PVP dps was too high they just nerfed pve dps problem solved. Vanishs primary use is as a threat wipe on all targets, and it should be used for this purpose on any fight where threat is an issue. Against a raid boss, your base chance to miss a special attack is 9%, and your base chance to miss a white attack is 28%. Playing against other Rogues is probably one of the hardest things about Note that all combo point cycles are guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Other specs will be suffering a big lack of mobility so they're pmuch not viable, at least for arenas. for more than 1-2 seconds after a Vanish. In general, the best practice is to use your available cooldowns simultaneously. This can help a rogue to really take over an arena game by having extra defensive and offensive cooldowns. Silent Shadows is the headquarter of every PvP Rogue playing on Classic TBC. Welcome to our PvP Subtlety Rogue guide for TBC Classic. With Mangle present on the mob, the crit levels required for Eviscerate to surpass Rupture are unrealistic at best. This matters most typically for rogues with Combat Potency, as depending on the speed of your off hand weapon and your hit and expertise rating, you may need to use more or fewer CP on Slice to sustain it. Cold Blood is a decent talent for guaranteeing big critical strikes at important times. Berserking/Cold Blood also have an unusual cooldown of 3 minutes; for these abilities, it is often best to use them together with your 2-minute cooldowns once at the start of the fight, and then to use them individually on cooldown. scenarios like this you can use Blind on them and get a full Choosing the correct opener and finishing moves is very important as a Rogue. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Separate from weapon type, you must also consider the speed of your off hand weapon. Blind. My advice , something like the previous build can definitely work for both. Professions 7. Blind misses as it counts as a ranged attack. Next, check the rogues Abilities breakdown to see which abilities the rogue used and how often. Envenom is therefore most often used when the target is a few seconds from death. then maybe the build without Improved Expose Armor is for you. WoW PvP leaderboard talents, stats, and gear by class and spec But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Consumables 8. Weapon type is also important for main hand weapons in one sense daggers are currently regarded as being largely inferior to other weapon types for raid DPS (see Talent builds section for more information). The PvP and jewelcrafting gems listed below are also unique-equip (with the exception of[Bold Ornate Ruby]purchased from arena points), meaning you may only wear one at a time in any given set of gear. Indeed, cloth class will be your favourite target, such as mage / warlock / priest, who barely survive a surprise attack by a well-equipped rogue. Take the total length of the fight and divide it by the length of each cooldown, then round up. This is 2 Likes Dimed-argent-dawn March 28, 2019, 2:39am #5 This leaves the comparison of Cats Swiftness against the other two enchants. Shadowstep is an absolutely exceptional ability that affords the rogue unmatched mobility in PvP. as far as i remember there is not 1 spec that is great for both, combat swords was great for pve and sub spc was great for pvp. If you are trying to root out an enemy, Cheat Death is an exceptional talent for rogues in PvP that completely negates any attack that would otherwise kill you. Thus, an enhancement shaman and a DPS warrior are considered irreplaceable members of a raid melee group including any number of rogues. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Proper energy management means the difference between 100% Slice and Dice uptime and letting it drop for 2-3 seconds every cycle. For PvP this can help to secure a kill and is quite nice. In our Subtlety Rogue PvP guide we will go over the spec in-depth and look at The extra attack is always from your mainhand weapon, regardless which weapon triggered Sword Specialization. The more energy affected by these procs, the more effective DPS they provide. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Here we calculate expertise caps for various combinations of talents and racial abilities: 0/2 Weapon Expertise, non-Human (or Human wielding daggers/fists): 103 Rogues without T4 2pc should use 3s/5s/5r. If any of these abilities contributes 1% or more of the rogues damage, then the fight was either too short or the rogue is doing something wrong. Nar Muti was and is shit, lowest dps spec for rogue. If you are abilities and the diminishing returns shared with other abilities: It is important to have a slow Mainhand weapon as a Rogue with as fast of an Eviscerate is the third-best finisher for most builds in most situations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You dont have Sword Specialization: add 2 DPS per 0.1 faster speed. To offset this cost, it is possible to Shiv right before the stack falls off, saving it from falling off. However, many other buffs are required to maximize your DPS output. One of the most common mistakes These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [ ] Red: +5 Agi/+5 Hit > 5 * 2.23 + 5 * 2.47 =23.50 EP For example,[Talon of Azshara]proves to be superior to[Merciless Gladiators Slicer], as the Talon has 6.5 more average damage in addition to superior stats. Engineering and Jewelcrafting. Consult the corresponding sections in the rest of the article to learn how to make sure the rogue is geared and specced correctly. Also, Mutilate builds defy the above rules, since your off hand is also used for special attacks. However, many bosses in PvE are immune to stuns so this will usually only apply to trash mobs in PvE. all that is The Burning Crusade. Socket Bonus: N/A Fleet Footed is a great talent for both PvE and PvP. Today we're diving into my experience, my build and all the love I have for my favourite class in WoW - the Rogue!! On TBC, nobody plays double dagger, unless you have speced into Mutilate. Note also that if you have an enhancement shaman in your group, s/he should be encouraged to twist both totems if possible. Your first goal is to maintain 100% Slice and Dice uptime or as close to it as possible. There are two professions with strong PvP benefits in TBC Classic: The main pvp spec is shadow step Hemo this is what 90% of the rogues will be. Precision is an exceptional talent that increases the rogue's damage output by giving them much needed increased chance to hit. Such a small difference based on EP weighting indicates that you should check a spreadsheet for an exact valuation. In general, the most important considerations for a main hand weapon are weapon DPS and damage range. Pshero's subtlety talents rogue for pvp and leveling by Pshero.rank 1 rogue talents Ironforge - WOW-Tv 697 subscribers Subscribe 3K views 1 year ago duel vs in 4 part rogue vs rogue:. Ruthlessness is a good talent that sometimes provides the rogue with an extra combo point after a finishing move. About PVE, it is a T1 DPS class, but sadly rogue . Of special note for combat builds is that by the end of Sunwell gearing, you are very likely to surpass the hit cap following the given gemming strategy. It is vital to note that your energy will always cap at your original base of 100 or 110. I realize i can't get the best of both worlds and if/when im raiding, ill probably have to go pure for a combat spec. they have Evasion active there will be a 25% chance that Legs:[Nethercobra Leg Armor] To utilize the EP weights, simply take a piece of gear and multiply each stat bonus on that piece by the stats corresponding EP weight. Generally you will use Wound Poison on your Mainhand while In PvP, Rogues make excellent scouts and spies, as they are the absolute masters of stealth. Also look for consumable usage, including[Haste Potion](the buff is called Haste note that[Dragonspine Trophy]provides a buff of the same name, and it is not currently possible to differentiate the two using WWS), which is also a 2-minute cooldown, as well as[Flame Cap](3 minutes) and[Thistle Tea](5 minutes), all of which would indicate the rogue is going the extra mile for DPS. Garrote and Rupture on Warriors as bleed damage is Since it will be very rare for you to be the one to get the killing blow in a party or raid setting, this talent will not do much for you in those circumstances. This spec shines in short fights because of their powerful cooldowns, namely Adrenaline Rush and Blade Flurry . OH Weapon:Enchant Weapon Mongoose(see below) The highest DPS is obtained by using a sword in the off hand in conjunction with any slow weapon type (fists/maces/swords) in the main hand, with the appropriate weapon specialization talents taken. It was incredibly strong because the damage was brutal with fairly good CC (mace spec) and mobility. Due to its extreme difficulty to master in arena, this specialization has almost become extinct. This is useful particularly for combat rogues because most cycles count on Combat Potency to provide a certain amount of extra energy per cycle. world PvP to utility in Arena with items such as Wondering if there's a spec that works that good for both PvP and PvE? Alternative build that focuses on envenom as the only finishing move and different placement of left over points: 51/5/5 Hemo/step is the go-to spec for PvP on TBC. There are two caveats also worth noting. Thus, Dexterity is, for the most part, superior to Surefooted. As a result, it is often considered more powerful for combat rogues than[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality](ignoring the superior performance in practice as detailed in the above section) and[Madness of the Betrayer]during tier 6 progression. Another use of energy pooling is for Mutilate rogues with Find Weakness, and for any rogue with[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality]. You dont have Combat Potency, but do have Sword Specialization: add 5 DPS per 0.1 faster speed Ten points of expertise from this talent reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by 2.5% and this applies to both abilities and finishing moves. This popularity was due to a patch change which boosted Hemo builds up to the same theoretical DPS level as combat builds while allowing them to provide the Hemorrhage debuff to the raid. Wrist:Enchant Bracer Assault less effective when used against other player-controlled characters within a Play what you like, it's a game after all. Assassination Rogue PvP, build 2. Master of Subtlety increases your damage for a short time after coming out of stealth. The result is that, as haste rating on gear becomes more prevalent, the Trophys proc loses value relative to equivalent amounts of other stats. It is a good idea to use spells like Garrote over In addition to offering plenty of mobility, it also provides the player with numerous cooldowns which can be used defensively or offensively, significant crowd control and some of the most powerful damage in The Burning Crusade PvP environment. Only calculate EP for the socket bonus if the piece has no blue sockets. Improved Eviscerate is a medium-importance talent that will mostly help your damage dealt on trash mobs and during. If you want to have the option for a stronger Its probably the closest to beeing viable in both PvE and PvP. Thus, you may not use either of them more often than its individual cooldown, but you may alternate between the two, using[Thistle Tea]first, then using[Flame Cap]2 minutes later, and then using[Thistle Tea]again 3 minutes later (when it comes off its 5-minute cooldown). Appreciate any advice you can give, seeing as I never played rogue before. You want two slow daggers but since pretty much all weapons are unique they need to be different slow daggers, so very limited choices that you have to get to drop as well. costing less Energy on faster weapons as well as having a higher chance to proc A good way to compare off hand weapons is to apply an effective weapon DPS bonus to the faster weapon based on the talents you have taken. Keep in mind when looking at these samples which talents are required (the remainder are usually considered to be up to taste). Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. You could Adrenaline Rush and then just prep and do it again and the mace stun procs were brutal. Trying to get a spec that works for either just means you end up gimping yourself for both. But to do that well, it is necessary to understand how the rogue class is designed. If we are called Silent Shadows, that is for a good reason. The following sample builds illustrate how each build might appear in actual use. be on cooldown or you are simply out of range for whatever reason. Look for cooldown abilities, including Blade Flurry (2 minute cooldown), Blood Fury (2), Berserking (3), Cold Blood (3), Adrenaline Rush (5). recommended to use Crippling Poison in your off-hand. multiple top North American guilds. many Rogues will trinket on a Kidney Shot and open on you after. We can easily say that Shadowstep build is a top tier specialization to play, which also makes it extremely popular. While the default user interface may suffice, it is usually necessary to utilize external add-ons to provide the information you need to quickly make the correct decision during combat. to give you the edge in stealth vs stealth combat! The heroic gems are not unique-equip, and may be used without limitation. In general, you can avoid this situation by gemming all of the red and yellow sockets on your Sunwell gear with[Glinting Pyrestone], or by gemming[Delicate Crimson Spinel]in red sockets and[Glinting Pyrestone]in yellow sockets. If you are playing Rogue in TBC Classic and want to PvP, Subtlety is the way The net effect on his TPS will be a reduction of roughly 100, usually precluding usage of Expose Armor. out of a Cheap Shot but the Garrote will silence By way of example,[Netherblade Facemask]nearly outdoes[Grimgrin Faceguard]even ignoring set bonuses. versacecat 2 yr. ago Master Poisoner is the weakest of the poison-enhancing talents in terms of PvE damage output. One of the worst feelings is when you simply cannot Kick With Sword Specialization, a sword in your off hand gains a large damage boost relative to off hand weapons of other types. Here are links to the spreadsheets respective discussion threads: [Rogue] The Roguecraft Spreadsheet Typically an off hand sword will perform on par with other weapon types of up to two itemization tiers higher. Hands:Enchant Gloves Superior Agility Leather armor target for a long time then consider using that are recommended for Rogues outside of PvP can be found in our PvE guide for You will be Against Plate targets or targets with heavy amounts of For example, if you take 5 points in Fist Specialization, and equip a fist in your main hand, all of your main hand attacks will receive the 5% increased critical strike chance. Slitheryn: Combat maces for PVP (due to resiliance) Combat Swords or Daggers for PVE (highest DPS) Your food of choice should be either[Spicy Hot Talbuk]or[Warp Burger] consult your respective EP chart to determine which one is superior for your build. are trying to bait out a Blink or if their Blink is on cooldown. Note that in the case of a difference this small, it is not possible to conclusively state that one item is better than the other. Contents Races: Which Races can play as Rogues and which racial traits benefit Rogues the most? Note that[Crimson Spinel]are still in high demand from just about every caster class; therefore, if you would like to use them, you will most likely need to purchase them using[Badge of Justice]. Subtlety Rogue Arena Teams and Compositions, Blackwing Lair Hardcore (One Life) Cleared in Classic, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Tuning: April 10th, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Adjustments Coming Soon: April 3rd, A Misunderstanding May Have Been the Cause of Activision Blizzard Games Not Being Available in China, Chinese Realm "Region Unavailable" Messages Appeared for EU Players, Changes to Death Knight Character Creation Restrictions Coming, Free Character Transfers in Wrath Classic: March 3rd, Healing Druids (Moonglow/NG) - Crit Chance, Jolteon 1 - Pendulum of DOOM PvP - Level 39 BiS Enhancement Shaman TBC. There were even a few high rated muti rogues back in the day. Preventing your finishing moves from being dodged is very good and also feels good - no more dodged, Master of Deception is very important in PvP combat to increase the chance you get to land an opening move like, Opportunity is a great talent for dagger rogues, but not particularly useful for other rogues. Combo Points and Energy are a precious resource in PvP scenarios. The purpose of listing the caps here is so that you do not accidentally overshoot either cap by equipping too much hit rating or expertise rating. +21 Stamina > 0 EP This will most often be the case during Adrenaline Rush. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Shiv a Mind-numbing Poison on them as well. Technically, there is no direct interaction between most cooldowns and Adrenaline Rush, since the energy gained from the ability is constant and haste does not increase your damage per point of energy. Being stealth and starting the fight first is the main strength of the rogue in WoW Classic. Proper gear and gem selections are critical, but nearly half of your total damage stems from raid buffs. All our guides are written by a team of high rated PvP Rogues. For Mutilate builds, the tier below the Sliver consists of[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], then[Shard of Contempt]and[Warp-Spring Coil], then[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Madness of the Betrayer]. Energy Pooling and Ability Usage 4. For combat and Hemo builds, the next best tier of trinkets is[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Shard of Contempt](with a few caveats), followed further behind by[Warp-Spring Coil],[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], and[Madness of the Betrayer]. Other negligible sources of damage might be Shiv, Garrote, Ambush, and Ghostly Strike. Thus, it is very important that you never let your energy surpass the cap. As long as you're not in some Min MAxing sperg-lord guild. An e represents Eviscerate and an a represents Expose Armor. The hit and expertise caps are NOT magic numbers that every rogue [or any rogue] must reach. A Mutilate rogue may sustain 100% Slice and 100% 5-CP Expose Armor uptime using 3-5s/5a. If you need to be casting. Note that both spreadsheets recommend a theoretically sustainable cycle, which means that if you experience below-average proc frequency for a period of time, you may not be able to sustain Slice without deviating from the cycle. [ ] Red: +5 Agi/+5 Hit > 5 * 2.23 + 5 * 2.47 =23.50 EP 2/2 Weapon Expertise, Human wielding swords/maces: 44. There are various methods by which you can evaluate each of these factors using a WWS report. but be warned if you play against an Arms Warrior they will be able to Your best bet, realistically, is a warrior or rogue. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is a decent increase to less than half of your combo point builder abilities (the critical strikes), which makes it a fairly middle of the road talent for overall damage output. In addition to increased DPS in movement-oriented fights, Cats Swiftness also provides a slight advantage over Dexterity or Surefooted for non-Mutilate builds in terms of survivability. There is no such thing as a spec that works on both sides. In general, the damage increase gained from using a slow off hand dagger with Mutilate is offset by the loss of poison procs. target becomes immune. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The[Blackened Naaru Sliver]is the best trinket in the game for all specs. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play as a Subtlety Rogue in PvP scenarios. The safest way to avoid this situation is to simply spend all of your energy as you receive it. Rogues with T4 2pc should use 1s/5r or 2s/5r. For builds that do not use daggers - this talent can be ignored since it provides no benefit outside of, Relentless Strikes is an exceptionally powerful talent that should not be underestimated. Point for point it is a great damage dealing talent. You want a slow sword MH and a fast weapon OH for poison procs and spell pushback etc. Not to mention the increase in armor, however short lived. Combat PvP Build 1. For this reason, we created this series of guides to talk about the rogue mechanics: energy management, combo points, and PvP rotation. The bulk of your damage comes from white swings as a Rogue. Mutilate builds use Mutilate, Hemorrhage builds use Hemorrhage, combat dagger builds use Backstab, other builds use Sinister Strike. If you accomplish this ideal, you should see only one gain of Slice and Dice on WWS. Otherwise, you can skip it for an extra 2 points in Finally, if you are a leatherworker,[Drums of Battle], used on cooldown, provide a substantial group DPS boost;[Drums of War]are an inferior alternative. Second, the extra attacks granted by Sword Specialization are always performed using your main hand weapon, regardless of which weapon caused the proc. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Combat Rogue Class Guide is now live! interrupt which locks out the enemy for 3 seconds from that school. re-stealth and Sap. on them below: This guide has been written by Nemo, an experienced Raid Leader from Always remember that any hit rating or expertise rating beyond the cap will have zero effect on your DPS. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. AGI and AP would be more beneficial than capping out HR (366 HR) with this spec. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. play Subtlety as the overall kit is absolutely insane. Consult the spreadsheet to determine which expertise item(s) are best for you to equip in comparison with the alternatives available to you. These weights assume your average gear level consists of heroic and non-heroic 5-man dungeon gear, pre-2.3 badge gear, and non-raid crafted gear. Your are very vulnerable. The movement speed helps you to spend less time moving between mobs and more time damaging mobs in PvE, effectively increasing your damage output. However, it is advisable to ask a Sinister Strike rogue to do so rather than a Mutilate rogue, as the Mutilate rogues cycle is highly susceptible to poor proc luck. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. For raid DPS, the two most important talents in any tree are Relentless Strikes and Dual Wield Specialization. The movement speed is also great in PvP, making you slightly faster than most other people who only have 8% increased speed from a boot enchant or meta gem. Battleground classes. However, another important aspect of this consumable is that it provides some extra breathing room to compensate for an absence of procs (notably Combat Potency for combat rogues and Seal Fate for Mutilate rogues). Adrenaline Rush provides an extra 100% energy regeneration for 15 seconds per use, or 150 energy. Now live used without limitation this can help to secure a kill and is quite nice features the... Dps class, but sadly rogue that works on both sides mob, the damage was brutal fairly! May sustain 100 % Slice and Dice uptime and letting it drop for 2-3 seconds every.... One gain of Slice and Dice uptime or as close to it as possible the! A certain amount of extra energy per cycle should be encouraged to both. ) with this spec shines in short fights because of their powerful,... 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