guinea grass health benefits

Effect of Guinea grass on feed intake, digestibility and growth performance of rabbits fed a molasses block and either water spinach (, Duke, J. (de Lima 1991), A methanol leaf extract of P. alliaceae significantly reduced total inflammatory cells and eosinophils in a mouse asthma model. There is a long list of traditional uses of alfalfa as a medicinal herb. (Luz 2016), In analgesia experiments, 3 groups of rats (n=7 per group) were orally administered P. alliaceae extract (31.4 mg/kg body weight), acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg/kg body weight), or agar 1% (control group). The leaves are tasty as stir fry greens and the seeds, though timeconsuming to collect are delicious when cooked as a grain. Grass has proven health benefits for guinea pigs, giving them proper nutrition and trimming their teeth. Scientific Name(s): Petiveria alliaceaeCommon Name(s): Anamu, Apacin, Guine, Guinea hen weed, Mucura, Tipi. With all of the different . If you are looking for a natural way to help your digestion, guinea hen weed tea is a good option. Malay. Capsule: In capsule form, guinea hen weed is often sold to provide immune system support in 400-500 mg doses, by the name of anamu or petiveria alliacea. Additionally, the tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe the digestive system. Effect of wet treatment with sodium hydroxide on chemical composition and dry matter digestibility. Buffalo grass may contribute to your guinea pigs' health by providing protein, iron, and Vitamin B12. Fresh grass is ideal for Guinea Pigs because it can be eaten in large quantities. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. As the grass rest-period affects animal performance, a good rest-period is to wait for regrowth of 2.5 leaves/tiller (Candido et al., 2005). Colic caused by, Champannet, F., 1989. Jamaican Guinea Hen steeped with rosemary and French thyme used to vaporize will clear the sinuses in a major way. The herb is native to the Caribbean, Africa, South and Central America. pap., Samaru (Nigeria), No. (Raintree 2013). Technol., 22 (3): 237-245, Shimojo, M. ; Goto, I., 1990. Before we explore the benefits of tulsi tea, lets first take a look at its origins. Ensiled Guinea grass has a good texture and it was possible to mix grass of different ages with no effect on silage quality (Babayemi et al., 2009). Information regarding safety and efficacy of P. alliaceae in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. A., 2008. Exogenous fibrolytic enzyme had no effect on rumen digestibility of Guinea grass hay (Avellaneda et al., 2009). Due to the strong garlic scent of its leaves and roots, it is also sometimes called garlic weed. It is a fast growing and leafy grass, which is palatable to livestock with a good nutritional value. Evaluation of pastures of Guinea grass (, Goncalves, C. A. ; Dutra, S. ; Rodrigues Filho, J. Agric. Agric. Reported OM digestibility values range from 53 to 79%. Thse Facult Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, Ajayi, F. T. ; Babayemi, O. J. ; Taiwo, A. (2023). Cahiers Options Mediterranennes, 8: 125-129, Ademosun, A. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. XV Int. 1. Grass Hay. Guinea pigs enjoy buffalo grass for its floral and sweet flavor. Revista da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 19 (2): 173-176, Ly Thi Luyen ; Preston, T. R., 2012. Researchers are still discovering all of the ways that guinea hen weed can help keep us healthy, but so far it has been shown to be effective in fighting infections, flu symptoms, viruses, and cancer. FAO. It has a broad morphological and agronomic variability, ranging in height from 0.5 to 3.5 m, with stems of 5 mm to 10 mm diameter. Nonetheless, numerous studies have already attributed the plant to a variety of health benefits including infections, respiratory problems and even cancer, among others. Dairy heifers stocked at 2.3 head/ha on Guinea grass pasture gained 1 kg/ha/d (Costa et al., 2001). Guinea grass can be managed as a long-term pasture grass if grazed consistently, but it should not be grazed under 35 cm height, nor under very wet conditions (FAO, 2009). is a powerful cancer fighter, and its been used to treat cancer for centuries. According to the study, the guinea hen weed treatment reduced pain in the rats and also decreased the number of white blood cells traveling to the areas of inflammation. The plant itself grows to about 3 feet tall and blooms small, green flowers. And, if the guinea pig suffers from constipation, the wheatgrass will surely work up the bowels better. Intercropping or supplementing Guinea grass with legumes increased Ca, P, Na and Fe solubility (Ajayi et al., 2009), DM intake (Akinlade et al., 2005) and did not alter meat quality (Jaturasitha et al., 2009). Anecdotal evidence suggests that guinea hen weed has been used to treat cold and flu symptoms for centuries, which is most likely due to its ability to boost the immune system. Congress, August 24-31, 1985, Kyoto, Japan: 1296-1297, FAO, 2009. H. N. Le Hourou (ed. Research has also indicated that guinea hen weed can boost the immune system by increasing its production of lymphocytes and killer cells, therein which providing the body increased protection against cancer. III. (Navarro 2017), A study evaluated the anxiolytic activity of a lyophilized hydroalcoholic extract of P. alliaceae (aerial parts) in male Wistar rats with acute, stress-induced gastric lesions. Vitamin C is essential for guinea pigs since it facilitates collagen formation, which is vital for bone formation, repairing tissues, and blood vessel integrity. (Kim 2006, Luz 2016) Due to its activity on the CNS, P. alliaceae has been used as an anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, anaesthetic, and sedative. The effect of forage quantity offered upon the nutritive value of three tropical grasses. Even one cent is helpful to us! Division de la mise en valeur des terres et des eaux. Apart from a high content of Vitamin C, a handful of grass is packed with loads of carbohydrates and fibers. Anim. Improvement of nutritive value of tropical grasses by physical or chemical treatment. Guinea Hen Weed is a potent herb that is widely used for its medicinal benefits. Guinea Pigs Eat Grass as much as they want, Why? 1, 1987-06-02/1987-06-06. The ones that you should absolutely avoid feeding the guinea pigs are lemongrass . Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used. Cucumber contains some nutrients and a lot of water in it, which makes it an excellent choice for summer. J., 8 (3): 126-132, Gomide, J. 1. Fresh grass, like hay, provides them with much-needed vitamin C and can prevent their teeth from becoming too long. B., 1988. Comparative evaluation of grasses for milk production. Or maybe you know it by its scientific name (botanical name) Petiveria Alliacea whatever you call it, its one of the most versatile plants available. A searchable catalogue of grass and forage legumes. Invasive Grasses. (Luz 2016, Raintree 2013), The main compounds from P. alliaceae include lipids, flavonoids, and triterpenes. ; Bosman, H.G.]. Throughout Central America, anamu has been used to relieve birthing pains and facilitate easy childbirth, as well as to induce abortion. The plant is self-fertile. Effect of N fertilizer rate and stocking rate on meat production from Guinea grass cv. Your email address will not be published. Improvement of nutritive value of tropical grasses by physical or chemical treatment. These results were supported by lung histology. An evaluation of nitrogen fertilised, Touvin, H, 1989. Make sure you only feed a small portion two to three times a week to avoid any health issues. Modern science has started to study those compounds, and evidence has supported its claims. Follow-up studies found that it not only suppressed leukemia and cancer cell growth, but it also provided cytotoxic effects, meaning that it had the potential to actually kill leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer cells. A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet helps prevent tooth decay. Differences between grass species. Compositional data of feeds and concentrates. suggests that guinea hen weed tea may be beneficial for diabetes patients. 2. Even, it has the power to restore and relocate the broken bones. Isothiocyanates, isoarborinol, isoarborinol acetate and isoarborinol cinnamate are found in the seeds. Pastos y Forrajes, 8 (1): 33-43, Roose, E., 1994. It has a broad morphological and agronomic variability, ranging in height from 0.5 to 3.5 m, with stems of 5 mm to 10 mm diameter. Schum., Panicum maximum var. Abaunza et al., 1991; Adejumo et al., 1991; Adeneye et al., 1994; Ajayi et al., 2005; Ajayi et al., 2008; Ajayi et al., 2009; Aka et al., 2004; Akinlade et al., 2002; Anugwa, 1990; Aregheore et al., 2006; Aschfalk et al., 2002; Aumont et al., 1991; Babayemi et al., 2006; Babayemi et al., 2009; Babayemi, 2007; Balogun et al., 1998; Balsalobre et al., 2003; Bamikole et al., 2001; Bamikole et al., 2003; Bamikole et al., 2004; Bamikole, 2003; Blair Ralns, 1963; Boukary-Mori, 2000; Brancio et al., 2003; Buntha et al., 2006; Caceres et al., 1986; Candido et al., 2005; CGIAR, 2009; CIRAD, 1991; Clipes et al., 2006; Devasena et al., 1994; Dzowela et al., 1990; Evitayani et al., 2004; Evitayani et al., 2004; French, 1943; Gerdes et al., 2000; Giraldo et al., 1995; Gomez Cabrera, 2009; Gonzlez-Garca et al., 2008; Gowda et al., 2004; Holm, 1971; Ibrahim et al., 1995; Ifut, 1992; Jones et al., 2000; Kabaija et al., 1988; Kabuga et al., 1993; Kaligis et al., 1990; Khuc Thi Hue et al., 2006; Komwihangilo et al., 2007; Lanyasunya et al., 2006; Lim Han Kuo, 1967; Lima et al., 2004; Lin et al., 1988; ListaI et al., 2008; Mlay et al., 2006; Nasrullah et al., 2003; Navaratne et al., 1990; Ngo Van Man et al., 2003; Niekerk et al., 2002; Odedire et al., 2008; Ojeda et al., 1993; Olubajo et al., 1974; Palieraqui et al., 2006; Panditharatne et al., 1978; Pereira et al., 2001; Pozy et al., 1996; Prado et al., 2004; Relling et al., 2001; Relling et al., 2001; Richard et al., 1989; Rodrigues et al., 2004; Rokomatu et al., 2005; Sarwatt et al., 1989; Saxena et al., 1972; Singh et al., 1992; Singh et al., 1996; Souza et al., 2003; Taute et al., 2002; Taute et al., 2002; Tedeschi et al., 2001; Tran Hoang Chat et al., 2005; Velloso et al., 1978; Velloso et al., 1983; Viengsavanh Phimphachanhvongsod et al., 2002; Villarreal et al., 1994; Warly et al., 2010; Xand et al., 1989; Yadav et al., 1991, Abdulrazak et al., 2006; Babayemi et al., 2009; Calles et al., 1982; CIRAD, 1991; Holm, 1971; Holm, 1971; Ibrahim et al., 1990; McLeod et al., 1990; Minson, 1971; Richard et al., 1989; Silanikove et al., 1990; Yousuf et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 1993, Heuz V., Tran G., 2020. Ingestive behaviour, herbage intake and grazing efficiency of beef cattle steers on Tanzania guineagrass subjected to rotational stocking managements. To make a traditional guinea hen weed tea, many providers and consumers recommend taking about 30 grams of the dried, whole herb and seeping it in 1 liter of boiling water for at least 15 minutes. Not only does it add beauty to the landscape, but it also has a long list of medicinal properties, it is packed with multiple health benefits. Oliv., Panicum maximum var. Tobiata (, Davison, TM. Grass legume associations for meat production of creole goats: Likoni A 15 (, Alfonso, A. ; Valdes, L. R. ; Duquesne, P, 1984. Chapitre 5: L'effet du convert vgtal in: Introduction la gestion conservatoire de l'eau, de la biomasse et de la fertilit des sols (GCES) Service des sols - ressources, amnagement et conservation. . Agric. The best OM and DM digestibilities are obtained with young regrowth (Peiris et al., 1995). Behavior and productive performance of sheep maintained in Tanzania grass (, Taiwo, A. Proceedings of a workshop at the University of Ife, Ile Ife, Nigeria, 20 24 July 1987, Richard, D. ; Guerin, H. ; Roberge, G. ; Friot, D, 1989. Mice treated with 8,000 mg/kg doses developed ataxia that was not fatal. Back before traditional toothpaste was invented, people were chewing guinea hen weed leaves in an effort to prevent tooth decay, because of its antimicrobial activities properties. is filled with benefits and is beneficial for an, This tea has been shown to have a positive effect on the central nervous system, which can help to reduce. Traditionally, people have been using guinea hen weed for centuries in an effort to fight colds, pain, arthritis, muscle spasms, sinusitis and anxiety, according to anecdotal evidence. The Best Probiotic Strains for Good Health (2022), 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Lipton Tea, The Best Herbal Tea for Men: 10 Best Herbal Teas for Men On the Go, 15 Hidden Health Benefits of Rainier Cherries, The Hidden Benefits of Icelandic Moss Tea. Health benefits of weeds for guinea pigs. People who have pre-existing blood conditions, such as hemophilia, and people who take blood thinning medications should avoid guinea hen weed because the natural coumarin found in the herb may cause complications. After drinking the tea, participants reported decreased pain with movement, as well as less pain at nighttime. Nutrient characterisation and, Aregheore, E. M., 2003. The analgesia coefficient was calculated for 60, 120, and 180 minutes after treatment. Leukemic cells from some patients with ALL or AML responded better to anamu extract than to methotrexate or idarubicin, respectively. Baby Toiletries & Health Care . Kidney stones are becoming increasingly common in both men and women. Blair Rains, A., 1963. NewCROPS web site, Purdue University, Esperance, M. ; Ojeda, F. ; Caceres, O., 1985. Livest. Pastos y Forrajes, 8 (1): 111-125, Alvares, K. M. ; Cheshmedzhiev, B. V., 1983. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. (Kim 2006), Ethnobotanical studies show that various parts of the plant have been used therapeutically for CNS, diuretic, antispasmodic, emmenagogic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antileukemic, antirheumatic, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, and depurative purposes. Effect of ammonia treatment on chemical composition and dry matter digestibility. Did you find the information you were looking for? If youve ever walked through the Texas countryside, you may have seen an attractive weed with fern-like leaves (guinea hen leaf) and delicate white flowers. Guinea pigs can eat cucumber along with its skin, seed, and flesh. What Are The Health Benefits Of Sparkling Water? The plant is also said to cause fatal colic if eaten too wet or in excess, particularly in Equidae (Duke, 1983; Cerqueira et al., 2009). P. alliaceae extract at a dose of 600 mg/kg increased the percentage of open arm entries on the apparatus. Afr. Boletim de Industria Animal, 42 (1): 85-92. P. alliaceae is a perennial herb or shrub native to tropical regions of Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Caribbean islands. Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches. If you get too close, youll pick up a, It is widely found in the United States, Mexico, Central America or. Anim. This is one of the best grasses to give your guinea pig vitamin C. Sci., 36 (2): 184-190, Shimojo, M. ; Goto, I., 1990. Guinea pigs can eat certain weeds such as cleavers, chickweed, dandelion weeds, plantain, hawthorn, white and red clover, yarrow, white clover, groundsel, and nut grass. Proceedings of the XV International Grassland Congress, August 24 31, 1985, Kyoto, Japan. For example, erythroleukemia, melanoma, and breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cell lines exhibited IC50 values ranging from 29 to 36 mcg/mL to a hydroalcoholic P. alliaceae extract, while hepatic adenocarcinoma displayed no cytotoxic response to a methanolic extract. All of our opinions are our own. P. alliaceae has a long history of use in traditional and herbal medicine. Management effects on the nutritive value of guinea grass (, Candido, M. J. D. ; Alexandrino, E. ; Gomide, C. A. de M. ; Gomide, J. It can also be found growing within Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean and Africa. Symposium sur l'alimentation des ruminants en milieu tropical. J., 39: 210-214, Ojeda, F. ; Caceres, O. ; Luis, L. ; Esperance, M. ; Santana, H., 1989. Effects of supplementation of, Ajayi, F. T. ; Babayemi, O. J. ; Taiwo, A. 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