dynamic insert statement in oracle

Thanks Tom, But I am not planning to move data using that script. The cursor is then closed. It is not taking care about the TIMESTAMP data type since i need to check the TIMESTAMP dayta type as i a Dynamic SQL statements can be built interactively with input from users having little or no knowledge of SQL. In the server, it means that cursors are ready to be used without the need to parse the statement again. For example, in this dynamic SQL statement, the repetition of the name :x is insignificant: In the corresponding USING clause, you must supply four bind variables. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Dynamic queries with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Dynamic SQL means that at the time you write (and then compile) your code, you do not have all the information you need for parsing a SQL statement. @AlexPoole I am using dynamic SQL for this so I can protect the DB from being a victim to SQL injections. Note thatthe dynamic insert which is getting created does not take much time to execute. This example lists all employees who are managers, retrieving result set rows one at a time. Go on, give it a try! Hi, we have a requirement that install scripts create a spool file of all the activities. A generic bind SQLDA contains the following information about the input host variables in a SQL statement: Maximum number of place-holders that can be DESCRIBEd, Actual number of place-holders found by DESCRIBE, Addresses of buffers to store place-holder names, Sizes of buffers to store place-holder names, Addresses of buffers to store indicator-variable names, Sizes of buffers to store indicator-variable names, Current lengths of indicator-variable names. A more complex program might allow users to choose from menus listing SQL operations, table and view names, column names, and so on. The USING clause cannot contain the literal NULL. You do not know until run time what placeholders in a SELECT or DML statement must be bound. It generates SQL INSERT (s) per row which can be used later to load the rows. So, to catch mistakes such as an unconditional update (caused by omitting a WHERE clause), check the SQLWARN flags after executing the PREPARE statement but before executing the EXECUTE statement. (Bind variables also improve performance. Using explicit locale-independent format models to construct SQL is recommended not only from a security perspective, but also to ensure that the dynamic SQL statement runs correctly in any globalization environment. The function uses three parameters: in_sql - input query to generate INSERT statements in_new_owner_name - new owner name for generated INSERT in_new_table_name - new table name for generated INSERT Thanks. I am using role-based privileges and, @Sometowngeek - the package will have to have. I don't understand why people continue to use the old, verbose and error-prone loop. Is the amplitude of a wave affected by the Doppler effect? For example, you know the following query returns two column values: However, if you let the user define the select list, you might not know how many column values the query will return. For example, both of the following EXECUTEIMMEDIATEstatements are allowed: DECLARE If you supply a select descriptor, the DESCRIBE SELECT LIST statement examines each select-list item in a prepared dynamic query to determine its name, datatype, constraints, length, scale, and precision. You have 90% of what you need - seriously. Example 7-16 Procedure Vulnerable to Statement Modification. In these situations, you must use native dynamic SQL instead of the DBMS_SQL package: The dynamic SQL statement retrieves rows into records. However, you can implement similar functionality by using cursor variables. Example 7-18 Procedure Vulnerable to SQL Injection Through Data Type Conversion. If you use datetime and numeric values that are concatenated into the text of a SQL or PL/SQL statement, and you cannot pass them as bind variables, convert them to text using explicit format models that are independent from the values of the NLS parameters of the running session. However, the order of the place-holders in the dynamic SQL statement after PREPARE must match the order of corresponding host variables in the USING clause. Employee_name,dept_name,salary The names of the place-holders need not match the names of the host variables. Share Improve this answer Follow That is, you know which tables might be changed, the constraints defined for each table and column, which columns might be updated, and the datatype of each column. It does not fully work if the number or xmltype columns are null but an addition of a decode around these should do the trick. Using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement. For example, an input string can be a qualified SQL name (verified by DBMS_ASSERT.QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME) and still be a fraudulent password. Foo does not have the privileges to insert into the table even though the role it has allows it to. You can view and run this example on Oracle Live SQL at SQL Injection Demo. If the dynamic SQL statement does not represent an anonymous PL/SQL block or a CALL statement, repetition of placeholder names is insignificant. No bind variable has a data type that SQL does not support (such as associative array indexed by string). You'd have to provide more context or sample data for that. */. The following PREPARE statement, which uses the '%' wildcard, is also correct: The DECLARE statement defines a cursor by giving it a name and associating it with a specific query. Otherwise, a malicious user who receives the error message "invalid password" but not "invalid user name" (or the reverse) can realize that he or she has guessed one of these correctly. But I did come across another project with the same problem as this one. With Methods 3 and 4, DECLARE STATEMENT is also required if the DECLARE CURSOR statement precedes the PREPARE statement, as shown in the following example: Usage of host tables in static and dynamic SQL is similar. For more than 20 years Oracle PL/SQL has had a cursor FOR LOOP that gets rid of OPEN / FETCH / IF %NOT_FOUND / CLOSE. With Method 3, you use the following sequence of embedded SQL statements: Now let us look at what each statement does. are there any ways to create an insert statement dynamically in Oracle? Remove the leftover variables from the first example that aren't used anymore in your second example. PL/SQL provides two ways to write dynamic SQL: Native dynamic SQL, a PL/SQL language (that is, native) feature for building and running dynamic SQL statements, DBMS_SQL package, an API for building, running, and describing dynamic SQL statements. Oracle does not recognize the null terminator as an end-of-string marker. Employee_name,dept_name,salary By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Use dynamic SQL only if you need its open-ended flexibility. This example creates a procedure that is vulnerable to statement modification and then invokes that procedure with and without statement modification. The number of select-list items, the number of place-holders for input host variables, and the datatypes of the input host variables can be unknown until run time. When this parameter is FALSE (the default), the caller that opens this cursor (to invoke a subprogram) is not treated as the client that receives query results for the client from the subprogram that uses DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULTthose query results are returned to the client in a upper tier instead. "Native Dynamic SQL"for information about native dynamic SQL, Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about the DBMS_SQL package, including instructions for running a dynamic SQL statement that has an unknown number of input or output variables ("Method 4"). Data definition statements usually fall into this category. If the dynamic SQL statement represents a SELECT statement that returns multiple rows, you can process it with native dynamic SQL as follows: Use an OPEN FOR statement to associate a cursor variable with the dynamic SQL statement. OPEN also positions the cursor on the first row in the active set and zeroes the rows-processed count kept by the third element of SQLERRD in the SQLCA. If your program has more than one active SQL statement (it might have used OPEN for two or more cursors, for example), each statement must have its own SQLDAs statement. With that algorithm, you could do whatever l_insert_query want to do, using dynamic SQL or maybe only SQL is enough. Hi, How to provision multi-tier a file system across fast and slow storage while combining capacity? In this case, the statement's makeup is unknown until run time. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Each succeeding method imposes fewer constraints on your application, but is more difficult to code. For example, if you execute the statements. In fact, if the dynamic SQL statement is a query, you must use Method 3 or 4. Hi All , I am seeking an advice .. we do have 2 database instance on oracle 19c now we would like to transfer /copy the specific data from a schema to another schema in another instance. I have modified code by HTH, and it works: it is not doing a commit, you are incorrect on that. If you do not know this information at compile time, you must use the DBMS_SQL package. Method 4 provides maximum flexibility, but requires complex coding and a full understanding of dynamic SQL concepts. The caching is only applicable for the dynamic statements and the cursor cache for the static statements co-exists with the new feature. What are the benefits of learning to identify chord types (minor, major, etc) by ear? rev2023.4.17.43393. Dynamic query can be executed by two ways. Example 7-17 Procedure Vulnerable to Statement Injection. For example, a general-purpose report writer must build different SELECT statements for the various reports it generates. When the to_client parameter is TRUE (the default), the DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT procedure returns the query result to the client program (which invokes the subprogram indirectly); when this parameter is FALSE, the procedure returns the query result to the subprogram's immediate caller. After p returns a result to the anonymous block, only the anonymous block can access that result. Statement modification means deliberately altering a dynamic SQL statement so that it runs in a way unintended by the application developer. This data type conversion depends on the NLS settings of the database session that runs the dynamic SQL statement. The cursor declaration is local to its precompilation unit. Always have your program validate user input to ensure that it is what is intended. The syntax of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement follows: In the following example, you use the host variable SQL-STMT to store SQL statements input by the user: Because EXECUTE IMMEDIATE parses the input SQL statement before every execution, Method 1 is best for statements that are executed only once. it does not handle single quote in the text field, and serveroutput for huge table. If the dynamic SQL statement is self-contained (that is, if it has no placeholders for bind variables and the only result that it can possibly return is an error), then the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement needs no clauses. The returned data could be a single column, multiple columns or expressions. Then Oracle parses the SQL statement. Tom,How do you create insert statments dynamically if I give a table name? The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. But that query is taking care of only three datatypes like NUMBER, DATE and VARCHAR2(). In this example, the dynamic PL/SQL block is an anonymous PL/SQL block that invokes a subprogram that has a formal parameter of the PL/SQL collection type associative array indexed by PLS_INTEGER. To open a cursor and get its cursor number, invoke the DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR function, described in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference. for example from output You learn the requirements and limitations of each method and how to choose the right method for a given job. With Method 2, the SQL statement can contain place-holders for input host variables and indicator variables. When you store the SQL statement in the string, omit the keywords EXEC SQL and the statement terminator. Here is the code you can use. This example is like Example 6-30 except that the collection variable v1 is a bind variable. Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? It could also have been declared as type PIC X(4) or COMP-1, because Oracle supports all these datatype conversions to the NUMBER internal datatype. --- Oracle Database Tutorial => Insert values in dynamic SQL Oracle Database Dynamic SQL Insert values in dynamic SQL Fastest Entity Framework Extensions Bulk Insert Bulk Delete Bulk Update Bulk Merge Example # Example below inserts value into the table from the previous example: A SQLDA is a host-program data structure that holds descriptions of select-list items or input host variables. 00933. If the dynamic SQL statement is a DML statement with a RETURNING INTO clause, put in-bind variables in the USING clause and out-bind variables in the RETURNING INTO clause. The DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER function converts a REF CURSOR variable (either strong or weak) to a SQL cursor number, which you can pass to DBMS_SQL subprograms. I have used very limited data-types in the solution (number, date and varchar2 only). It then stores this information in the select descriptor. Once you CLOSE a cursor, you can no longer FETCH from it. That is, any SQL construct not included in "Description of Static SQL". Oracle Database can reuse these SQL statements each time the same code runs, which improves performance. To insert a new row into a table, you use the Oracle INSERT statement as follows: INSERT INTO table_name (column_list) VALUES ( value_list); Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this statement: First, specify the name of the table into which you want to insert. "However - what about D, what if t2 has D=1 and t3 has D=2 for the same a,b values?". The four methods are increasingly general. The following fragment of a program prompts the user for a search condition to be used in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement, then executes the statement using Method 1: This program uses dynamic SQL Method 1 to create a table, insert a row, commit the insert, then drop the table. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! If you do not need dynamic SQL, use static SQL, which has these advantages: Successful compilation verifies that static SQL statements reference valid database objects and that the necessary privileges are in place to access those objects. In this case, you know the makeup of the UPDATE statement at precompile time. -- because it uses concatenation to build WHERE clause. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? However, I don't see the point. You can also export the data in SQL Loader format as well. Continuing our example, DECLARE defines a cursor named EMPCURSOR and associates it with SQLSTMT, as follows: The identifiers SQLSTMT and EMPCURSOR are not host or program variables, but must be unique. I think the inner SELECT clause can be changed from. This example uses an uninitialized variable to represent the reserved word NULL in the USING clause. SELECT * FROM secret_records ORDER BY user_name; DELETE FROM secret_records WHERE service_type=INITCAP(''Merger', DELETE FROM secret_records WHERE service_type=INITCAP('Merger', /* Following SELECT statement is vulnerable to modification, because it uses concatenation to build WHERE clause, and because SYSDATE depends on the value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT. You can PREPARE the SQL statement once, then EXECUTE it repeatedly using different values of the host variables. dynamic insert statement returning an id value Yog May 7 2007 edited May 8 2007 Hi, I'm trying to create function with an insert statement that is built dynamically and executed. It could vary. For example, you might use place-holder names to prompt the user for the values of input host variables. However, if a dynamic SQL statement will be executed repeatedly by Method 1, use Method 2 instead to avoid re-parsing for each execution. This program uses dynamic SQL Method 2 to insert two rows into the EMP table and then delete them. When you embed a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, or SELECT Description of "Figure 9-1 Choosing the Right Method". in TOAD tool, they have this option for each table [Create insert statements] and I was wondering what kind of logic they might have used to create them. In this example, the dynamic PL/SQL block is an anonymous PL/SQL block that invokes a subprogram that has a formal parameter of the PL/SQL collection type nested table. It then stores this information in the bind descriptor for your use. Once the PL/SQL string EXECUTE is completed, host variables in the USING clause replace corresponding place-holders in the string after PREPARE. You need to remember that this solution was initially from 2008. To work around this restriction, use an uninitialized variable where you want to use NULL, as in Example 7-7. This is mainly incase a tester re-runs a script without backing up their data. However, non-concurrent cursors can reuse SQLDAs. now we would like to transfer /copy the specific data from a schema to another schema in another instance. In general, use Method 4 only if you cannot use Methods 1, 2, or 3. One datetime format model is "text". An example using Method 2 follows: In the example, remotedb tells Oracle where to EXECUTE the SQL statement. Due to security we are not allowed to create the DB link. Note that in dynamic SQL Method 4, a host array cannot be bound to a PL/SQL procedure with a parameter of type "table.". The DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT has two overloads: The rc parameter is either an open cursor variable (SYS_REFCURSOR) or the cursor number (INTEGER) of an open cursor. For example, Oracle makes no distinction between the following two strings. set sqlformat insert select * from t1; The output can be spooled as well: set sqlformat insert spool C:\Users\balaz\Desktop\insert.sql select * from t1; spool off Run the above as a script (F5), and not a statement (Ctrl+Enter). If the dynamic SQL statement is a SELECT statement that returns multiple rows, native dynamic SQL gives you these choices: Use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement with the BULK COLLECT INTO clause. You might still run into basic issues like schema foo does not have permission to insert into Table2 in schema bar. If you use a VARCHAR variable to store the dynamic SQL statement, make sure the length of the VARCHAR is set (or reset) correctly before you execute the PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. If the PL/SQL block contains an unknown number of input or output host variables, you must use Method 4. 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