New MechanicsThe following sections outlines new rules and spells for de-picting the Bloodspeaker CultTHE BLOODSPEAKER A foul necromantic ritual, rst practiced by Iuchiban himself, The BloodspeakersTECHNIQUE (ALTERNATE PATH) this spell calls on the strength of the dead to enhance the living. . . . . Jinn-Kuen recog- nizes the power Master Tiger holds over the other Masters and has begun another of his elaborate plans, hoping to bring Master Tiger to his side of the argument and end the schism A S K M :48 once and for all. However, within a few years they would the dawn of the Iweko Dynasty, a traitor to the Kolat namedface a series of crises that tested the conspiracy to the utmost. An octopus will attempt to ee from a the shark on the nose, which often upsets or drives off thecombat in which it takes at least 20 Wounds. . . . 242 Kenku Sensei . Heescaped their punishment and continued to roam the earth,rallying what remained of his masters cult. 46 Notable Naga . 86 The Kolat as Adversaries . 73 Nezumi-Only Advantages . The spell allows the caster to literally Fatigued on his next two Turns, due to the debilitating effect leap his soul into the body of another person within range, of the boiling blood. . . . . . . . . . . . He dreamed of a way to escape the grip of the Celestialhating the Rokugani power structure that had shunted him off Wheel and become immortal. Travel- ing across the Empire, leaping from body to body, Iuchiban contacted Yajinden and gathered his followers to prepared for another assault on the Empire. However, this also means Master Roc can leave the Empire without fear, knowing the Qolat will be waiting on the far side of the desert. We hope Rokugan just should take into account abilities such as Reductiongot a lot more interesting. . . Even so, the Tiger Master often functions the poisoning and subsequent death. . . Kitaro rolled his eyes, drawing a slight snicker from the boy Riding next to him on a young pony, Kitaros valet-in-train- at his side. . . . . Salvage was drawn by Carlos . Foremost among them, in my opinion, are the Naga.anything like it! The serpent men? Kitaru scoffed. . .192 Spirits of Jigoku . . . Enemies of the Empire not only serves as the bestiary for Fourth Edition, but also features threats of a more human nature. . .121 Lotus Sect . . . Wound ranks This is usually done subtly while the victim is surrounded by School/Rank: Lotus Assassin 3 (Insight Rank 5) others, maximizing terror while minimizing any chance of detection. Kolat recruiters of Kolat Master. . . 127 Bloodlines . . However, their successwas illusory. Economic ming hidden within their minds. . . . . . Angga Satriohadi, Chris Seaman, Douglas Shuler. . . . . The citys rapid expansion into a major metropo-lis was not closely supervised, and the Kolat had ample op-portunity to not only inltrate the city but to construct secretholdings in many neighborhoods. Finally, the Phoenix Bloodspeakers. . . However, Jama from earliest childhood was Otomo Jamas obsession with power did not stop witha deeply embittered soul, jealous of his brothers power and maho. . . The kansen share their dark secrets withall those willing to learn.MASTERY RANK ONEHEART OF THE DAMNED c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) c Range: Touch c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: Instantaneous c Raises: None, SUCK THE MARROW This spell is favored by Bloodspeaker cell leaders, who use it to maintain psychological dominance over their followers. FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES PRODUCTION MANAGER: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: OF THE. . . . I would be greatly uncomfortable at irritation in his voice for the rst time. This allowed them to de- was successful, and Iuchibans soul was bound into the Tomb. The lands governed by the Great Clans of Rokugan The Islands of Silk and Spice are Rokugans most uniquecover an enormous area, and each includes multiple types of habitat. . . . . When casting a c Raises: Range (20 per Raise), Area of Effect (suppliesMaho spell, you may reduce the amount of Taint you gain by1 point for every 2 additional Wounds you take when casting for 1 additional person per Raise)the spell. . . . . 83 Resources and Methods . . . . . 137 Flesh of the Dark Lord . . Any time an opponent in a skirmish de- clares a Maneuver against you (including the Increased Dam-The Ten Kolat Masters are among the most devious, manipu- age Maneuver), you may choose to immediately take a Freelative, and ruthless individuals in the entire Emerald Empire. While they appear fearsome, elephants arelunging at convenient prey. . They are the comforting arms in Even after the creation of the Ox Clan, the Kolat still had towhich to conde. 86 Kolat Player Characters . . . . If the agents break they are killed. . Three of the swords did their work all too well. . . Since Jama Suruthe traitorous Yajinden found his own soul imprisoned along had also been destroyed once more, the few extant cells ofwith his master. . 44 Special Pearls . . . Rokugan. If it can spend a Simple Action to conceal c Swift 4 itself in this way, it gains +1k1 on its Stealth Skill c Vulnerability: A successful Called Shot to the sharks Roll to hide. . . . . . powers the kansen grant them, but their leaders are often ter- Bloodspeakers have numerous motivations for seeking ried of the consequences. .132, Gauging the Threat . . . This strangelocations, and each with a sworn force of Imperial soldiers to agent continued the Bloodspeakers work of recruitment andguard it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. . .125 Court: One Naga. . The Kolats manipulation of events within the Empire pro- ceeded for centuries, each tiny step advancing their plan by almost imperceptibly small increments, each garnering more power and inuence for the conspiracy. . None among those was as unique as the man known only as Daigotsu, born to the Hantei bloodline. . . CROCODILE (WANI) ELEPHANT (ZO)Crocodiles are large four-legged amphibious reptiles known Elephants are native to the distant realm known as the Ivoryfor preying on humans. 59 Campaign Options: The Bloodspeakers as Adversaries . most of the problems outlined above can instead opt to add aThe player and GM should choose an appropriate Sect (or, in sleeper agent to the group. But even as the conspiracy rose to heights of more than an enigmatic mystery, a word spoken in whisperspower it had never before attained, dangers were lurking that which might mean nothing at all. . . They do not need to make 60: +15; 80: +20; 100: Dead a Skill roll to swim. . . . As one of the nest merchants in the entire Em- pire, he gravitated naturally to the Coin Sect, and quickly discovered his Master, Moshi Shanegon, was only competent by the barest of measures, vastly more concerned with his own well-being and comfort than the prosperity of the Coin Sect. . 86 Enemies and Weaknesses . This disturbed Jinn-Kuen greatly, and in time he began to formulate a plan. . . . 49 A Nezumis View of Time . . . TheJAMA SURU, THE GENERAL OF IUCHIBAN recipient of this sinister blessing is imprinted with a kansen, much like the original Jama Suru, infusing them with both an AIR 4 EARTH 4 FIRE 5 WATER 4 VOID 2 absolute loyalty to Iuchiban and strong magical powers. . Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Tusks 5k3 (Complex) AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 Damage: 5k2 Armor TN: 20 REFLEXES 4 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 4 Reduction: 12 Wounds: 30: +5; 75: Dead Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Bite 4k3 (Complex) or Claw 3k3 (Complex) Skills: Jiujutsu 3 Damage: 1k1 (bite), 1k1 Special Abilities: (claws) Armor TN: 25ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Disembowel: A boar may initiate Grapple attempts Wounds: 5: +5; 10: +15; with its tusks. . If your question is a legitimate one, Kitaro-sama, Shinjo Hikaru replied, then there are any number of accurate an- It is amazing, my lord! Ito answered. 242Oni as Adversaries . . . . . . . . . . Black bears are noted forthe occasional rabid or confused bat may try to do so. However, the former iron-clad central ter, and at times it appeared the armies of Rokugan might control was gone, never to return. A power-hungryinformation broker might decide to try tobuy his way into a better life with Silk Sectintelligence. . . . . . . . . . 186 Shapeshifter Penalties: Major . Anyone who c Raises: Duration (+1 day per 2 Raises), Range (change is within the spells area of effect, or who enters it while the spell is in effect, suffers a 1k0 penalty to all Skill and to 50 for 2 Raises) Trait rolls that use Awareness or Willpower. .193 Spirits of Meido . 207 Physical Undead . George Witton eBook No. . . However, weeping small crystal tears which seemed to contain some within a few generations Toras ideals of the Rule of portion of its magical essence. . . . . . . per the creature ability from the Book of Void, L5R 4th Editioncore rulebook) while ying.GIFT OF THE MAKER c Ring/Mastery: Fire 2 (Maho) c Range: Self or Touch c Area of Effect: One target creature (can be the caster) c Duration: 1 hour c Raises: Duration (+30 minutes per Raise)The caster summons the power of Jigoku, temporarily grant-ing the blessings of the Taint. 108 Mastery Level 6 . . . . . . . . . The Masters constant movement also Jade agents rarely take direct action. . The creatures are mostly based on real Japanese creatures of legend . Many Kolat believed this to be Given such facts, it was perhaps inevitable that the Kolata major victory for the conspiracy, a huge step forward in would face a major defeat just a few years later. . Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. . . . . The surrounding enemy towns organized themselves into the Latin League, for the purpose of conquering the tiny republic. . . Islam and the Ottoman empire in Western political thought, 1450-1750. . Now, are yousome manner of escort. . Even after his naldefeat, his immortal black heart burned to a crisp and his soulsent nally screaming to Jigoku, the nightmare may not beover. . . . ENEMIES. . . . . For as long as there has been anHe no longer takes a direct stake in the Cults ongoing activi- Iuchiban, there has been a Jama Suru, and every time theties, and seems to desire no further power, only absolute and Bloodspeaker returns a new general is created for his armiescomplete mastery of his own arts. . . . Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook . . . . . . William OConnor, Jim Pavelec, Ramon Perez. . From the peak of its power in the early twelfth cen- working against Kolat interests. . . . His memories were mostly destroyed, but his guile the medium through which two worlds collaborate toward the and his hatred of corruption remained fully intact, and he same goal. . . . . . . The cell poses under almost all circumstances as a small merchants caravan with a ronin During periods when he was inactive but alive, guard detail. . . . 259 Kamu no Oni, the Killing Maw . . History 4, Lore: Maho 10, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Meditation. Sometimes these are samurai merchant patrons, but they are just as likely to be commoners. . . I thought you were my friends, Jama protested. These Masters argued that the loss of the, Organization of a Conspiracy: When not visiting the Hidden Temple, the Kolat Masters The Masters and the Sects live ordinary lives, behaving in all ways like the loyal and pious Rokugani they appear to be. . Each of the ten Kolat Masters had samurai. . . . For his part, the Dragon Kami allowed the Kolat to exist because he saw they, too, had their part to play in the destiny of the Empire. . . Because the Kolat has away from them but his eventual exposure and elimina- agents all through Rokugani society, from the highest levels tion convinced the Empire that the Kolat had never been to the lowest not to mention sleeper agents the GM can anything more than a trivial group of plotters. . Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, April Lee, Monika Livingstone. .105, Mastery Level 1 . . . . Its lead merchant is usually of creation could appear within the dreams of any member the Yasuki family, capable of maintaining and sponsoring his of the Cult, allowing Iuchiban to watch over his followers own mercantile activities anywhere in the Empire so long as and to some degree guide their plans and activities. Jinn-Kuen joined the Kolat so long ago School/Rank: Yasuki Merchant 5 / Kolat Master he barely remembers life before the conspiracy, but he is quite convinced it must have been very boring. . . . . Some sleepers aregiven a fail-safe that causes them to kill themselves should TECHNIQUE: TIGERS DO NOT FALLthe mission fail if this is the case for you, this Disadvantageis worth 8 points. . . . 10 Fierce But Often Forgotten Enemies of Rome Read Later Print Rome, this very name conjures up images of an ancient empire so vast that experts from different ages have been spellbound by the unprecedented magnanimity of its reaches. Death is not easily hidden, so the Kolat instead hides the cause and method of death. . . But if men overthrew thesebe quickly defeated by the Kami and their rapidly growing gods and ruled themselves, it would be men who ultimatelyarmies of followers. ward causes its victims blood to become sluggish and cold. . Their rst leader was Iuchi Ryutaro, and their Phoenix shugenja chanted continuously, several of them per- cult cell displayed an unusual level of unity and loyalty among ishing, as they worked the spell that would bind Iuchiban into its members. . . . (Needless to say, ex-posure of this Dark Secret will mean ignominious execution GMs who wish to introduce the Kolat into the party without Kolat are, by denition, traitors to the Emerald Empire.) . To the contrary, the Kolats goals and meth- order the Empire is nothing an honorable samurai ods mean they judge men by their abilities rather than theirshould do. Have fun with it: Strange Creatures of Rokugan.pdf . This is especially important if Shadow and its growing power, the Kolat became aware of it the players are familiar with the canonical timeline of Roku- from an early date and observed the Darkness slow growth gan and thus know the Scorpion will eventually destroy the and sinister inltration of the Empire with concern. . In truth, few othermen can claim to have made such an impact on the Em-pire as Hantei Jama. . . . The symbol must beA ritual spell rst used by the notorious Doji Nashiko, this spell inscribed into a at surface (wall, oor, etc) when it is also employed by many other maho-tsukai, and has found The moment anyone who is not a loyal member of the Blood-its way into the repertoire of several Bloodspeaker Cult cells. . .244 Simple or Complex Attacks . . . . . . . . . . To Itos credit, he stied the noise at once anding whistled under his breath. DIRECT ATTACK ASSASSIN AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 3 VOID 2 - - - STRENGTH 4 - Initiative: 9k4 Attack: Katana 8k4 or Tanto 9k4 (normally Complex) Damage: 7k2 (katana) or 5k1 (tanto) Armor TN: 30 (5 from light Reduction: 3 (from light armor) armor) Wounds: Normal human Wound ranks School/Rank: Clan samurai 2/Lotus Assassin 3ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Skills: Acting 5, Athletics 2, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 2, Kenjutsu 4, Knives (Tanto) 5, Sincerity 5, Stealth (Sneaking) 5 Advantages: c Quick c Forbidden Knowledge (Kolat) KOLAT ASSASSINS Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) Nothing is more terrifying than the knowledge that someone 46 you trusted has betrayed you, and the Kolat utilize this terror INFILTRATOR ASSASSIN to devastating effectiveness. . tered this power, but once he was imprisoned within the heart of his Tomb, his body tortured by jade chains, he had nothing The Tomb was one of the most secretive and important en- to do but to practice. . . Explore the hard lives of ronin, and the strange cultures of the Naga, Ratlings, and other non-human races. . . It was in the wake of this terrible act that he took theand rebellion. The Kolat cal level, such as criminal gangs who work to take control had to continually exert tremendous effort to hide itself and of towns or cities, or clan samurai plotting to control their crush anyone who might be stumbling onto its existence. . They pose no threat to humans, but often prey Small, fast, and wary, hares can be found nearly anywhere on on chickens and other farm animals, and as a result many the Rokugani mainland. . . . . . The true Kolat found this death of Akodo Jinoku?) As a result, he is highly resistant to pain (Reduction 10), has no Wound penalties, and heals his Earth in Wounds during the Reactions Stage of each Round. If the GM is going to make the Kolat into the central own sense of superiority to believe a monstrous conspiracy focus of the campaign, the players will probably need to have was lurking undetected within the Empire. 90 Wily Trader . . . . To some of the Kolat leadership, these costs were accept-able, because the end of the War Against the Darkness el-evated two mortals, Hitomi and Yakamo, to the position ofMoon and Sun. Needless to say, aquatic creatures such as sharks and AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 1 crocodiles do not suffer any penalties while fighting in REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 5 the water. Now at last the Empire hadwould bring its ambitions crashing down. . . 42 New Naga Schools . . | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate . . . . the possible exception of Isawa himself) and his combined mastery of gaijin secrets and blood magic gave him a pow- The Black Wind is a cell formed by the greedy Crab mer- er no other Cult leader could match. . . will be long gone before the information reaches anyone with the ability to act on it. . a potential successor from within the Kolat ranks, and the candidates are tested rigorously by the entire leadership. . . Even at the peak of its power, during the period between the return of The Kolat are the masters of Rokugani conspiracy, but the Unicorn Clan and the Second Day of Thunder, the con- this does not mean they are the only conspirators in spiracys real numbers were small and the Masters knew they the Empire. . The the future. theory was the separate sects would be less vulnerable than a single unied organization. 241 The Powers of Shadow . . The Hidden Temple. . Regardless of the details of the visit, the Oracles as possible, using maho primarily to subvert and manipulate manifestations always leave their victim shaken and customers to ensure maximum prots and disrupt his compe- stunned, intensely aware of its power and domination. . . . . Common animals in their territory includeable amount of coastline. . . . . Indeed, the Kolat have long recognized the ful- from their superiors in the other sects. . From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. The Khadi ritual made him immortal so long as hisfully his. . . zombies animated by porcelain masks. protect. . . . . . . . . . . . . Strength Trait, and Wounds. . . . Inter-party conict is one of the easiest Even fellow Kolat agents will follow this edict to maintainways to destroy a role-playing campaign, as intense feelings their own cover. . . . . . . . Initiative: 9k4 Attack: Knife 6k4 (usually Their training is rigorous and extensive, often lasting for Damage: 3k1 (knife) Complex) months or years before they are sent out to conduct missions for their masters. . . Uploaded by: Romain Rivalin. . . .188 Spirits of Chikushudo . him likely to become one of the most terrible blood sor- Iuchiban proved quite skilled at luring those with similar cerers to plague the Empire. . public conrmation that the Kolat existed and had done so for centuries.The Age of Man The conspiracy attempted to deal with this by adjustingHumanity lives with blinders on. . . . . 78 Mastery Level 2 . . Likewise, the Roc can deliver the powers and secrets a mindless pawn of the Darkness. Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. Likewise, the Kolat game mechanics (Pathsfrom character interactions spill over into real life, and the and Advanced School) are not to be granted lightly. . . . While it controls the Grapple the boar 15: Dead delivers 4k4 damage to its opponent every round. . . Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. 267 Nosloc no Oni, Bandits. . . . Let us begin.and catalogue these incidents. . ability to change its color allows it to blend into the sea bottom. . . . . . Hida, without compunction or scruple, to pursue their ultimate secretly glad to be rid of the strange artifact, never searched goals. . . 23 The Lost as Adversaries: Major Nezumi Tribes . . What if it was instead working to cre-not all the human tribes welcomed them. . .259 Demon of Confusion . . dent of his birth. . . However, this elaborate The nal battle against Iuchiban raged in 1166, and saw an The Bloodspeakersscheme backred although Daigotsu would train with the cult unusual alliance between Sezaru and the Dark Lord Daigotsu.for a time, he ultimately betrayed the Bloodspeaker movement It was Sezaru who nally located Iuchibans hidden heart and 23and sided with Fu Leng and the power of Jigoku itself, rejecting destroyed it, taking the life of the Bloodspeaker once and for all.the cults vision of personal power above all. . . . . . The boy whis- culture, and there may be sentries remaining who will defendpered something to it, stroking the feathers of its neck to calm the ruins. 36 Chameleon. . However, until his true death in tion of crazed peasants and ronin, perhaps with a couple of1166, there was always at least some level of loyalty to him. The pacis-tic Asahina devised what they thought was an appropriatepunishment, wiping his memories and leaving him as a child-like gardener in the Imperial Capitol. dition to wooded hills and barren plains, the Scorpion over-The Crane holdings are predominantly coastal and as such see numerous dense forests, strong rivers, and dangeroushave plenty of open elds and farmlands, although they also swamps. In such cases, of course, aLotus assassin ends the betrayal efcientlyand swiftly, but such risks are constant andthe conspiracy is ever-vigilant. 51 Nezumi Communication and Psychology . . . . . . Loyal agents TWELFTH CENTURY were planted in ofce close to persons of inuence, in the hope that they might slowly build networks of sympathy and One of the newly unied Kolats earliest victories came deep control within the Empire. . There are also the Ne-worth it for his amazing gift with the birds. . . OF THE EMPIRE. . Their positions in the real world often have little relation to their status within the con- Although the ten Kolat sects were ofcially created and named spiracy, for the Kolat pays no attention to the rules of Roku- during the Toturi Dynasty, in practical terms they existed for gans social hierarchy and will recruit eta as readily as it will centuries before that time. . .159 New Mechanics . Such recruits are other was a criminal gang leader.rare, however not because of a lack of dishonorablesamurai within the Emerald Empire, but rather because The use of peasants and untouchables offers many ad-it is difficult to find someone with such petty desires who vantages to the Kolat. . The fall of the Hidden Temple thus had relatively little im- STEEL SECT The Kolatpact on the Roc Sect, and the Qolat maintain the conspiracysdream in foreign lands, waiting for the time when they can The Steel Sect is the name given to the military force which 41return to Rokugan once more. . In the summer of the year 750 he made the mistake of trying to pos- sess the body of Togashi Yamatsu, an Ise Zumi monk in the Dragon court. Hepersonally led an assault on the ancient Phoenix city of GiseiToshi, where countless relics had been hidden for centuries, andburned it to the ground. . . . . The forest is not safe.petty concerns to trouble him. . . . . . . . They are little more than animals, but cunning warriors just the same. The Jama Suru personality does seem to have some glimmeringSkills: Battle 5, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 3, Intimida- of recognition of its past existences, and it seems at least re-tion (Control) 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Knives 3, Lore: Battle motely possible that Jama Suru might appear in a time when3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore: Maho 7, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Iuchiban himself is not active. . Although he maintained the outward appearance of heart was intact, as well as greatly enhancing his sorcerousa loyal and scholarly Otomo nobleman, Jama plotted treason power. Without him, maho tsukai would likely haveremained a rare phenomena, isolated madmen who offeredlittle threat to the Empire. Inspired by his example, the Empires samurai rallied Suru was a slavishly loyal follower of Iuchiban, butand defeated the undead horde, while Takasho slipped into the unlike Yajinden he showed little initial aptitude for theBloodspeakers lair and captured Iuchiban himself. . . Ob- telligence; some breeds are known to be able to utilize crude viously, the greatest danger of fighting in the water is stone or wood tools. . 25 The Lost as Adversaries: Seducers . Kolat actors and assassins of theThe Kolat Lotus sect are often trained to eliminate a specic target and AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 2 VOID 3 replace him or her. . . . . . 260 Morei no Oni, the Grain Demon. . . . . Thus, agents den Temple with less damage than almost any other branch ofwere constantly needed to inltrate the place, and casualties the organization, and if the Kolat rise again during the Iwekowere high. . Of course, they also ght with tactics which most clanSLEEPER AGENT [MENTAL] (5 POINTS) samurai would consider dishonorable, and have no compunc- tion at eliminating their foes with ambushes, surprise attacks,Unknown to you, the Kolat have previously kidnapped you and similar methods.and programmed you to be one of their sleeper agents. . . . guards the Hidden Temple. . Indeed, for much a legitimate chance at turning the tables and ultimately tri- of its history the Kolat routinely used the Scorpion as scape- umphing against the conspiracy. . A GM whoor cities where population density offers further concealment. . . Iuchiban has come back so many times that people areno longer convinced he can be truly defeated. . 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